My 2021 Xmas Holidays Haul

Over November and December this year, I managed to snag the following SF items:

  • American Girl Courtney’s Care Bears Sleeping Bag Set
  • SF JP Navy Rose Tableware Set
  • SF CC Main Street Toy Shop
  • Lil Woodzeez Tiki Hut Set
  • SF UK Classic Telephone Box 
  • SF UK Mole Family 
  • SF UK Classic Colour Red Roof Country Home
  • SF Baby Blind Bags Magical Baby Series x  1
  • SF JP Baby Square Big Treehouse KO-22
  • SF CC Sweet Raspberry Home Gift Set
  • SF CC Town Series Elegant Town Manor Gift Set
  • SF JP Village/Forest Bakery HA-23
  • Re-ment Petit Sample 80s Home My Room Set No. 4
  • SF Flair Field View Mill

My most anticipated out of the above are the following:

  • CC Main Street Toy Shop
  • Flair Field View Mill
  • the Classic Colour Red Roof Country Home
  • the JP Baby Square Big Treehouse set
  • the JP Navy Rose Tableware set
  • and to a certain degree the JP Village/Forest Bakery set

The first 4 have been high up there on my SF shopping list for a while now.

CC Main Street Toy Shop

The CC Main Street Toy Shop probably has been in my shopping list the longest, out of the four. It just is that hard to find, or rare to find for sale complete. And the one I got is mint in box. hehe! I have the UK version named Betty’s Toy Box and wanted this CC version with the Bearbury grey bears pristine. So cute!

Classic Red Roof Country Home

This building set is the ‘classic’ version of the Red Roof Country Home, which is the current version of the CC Luxury Townhome set or SF Beechwood Hall. I don’t really like the design of the Red Rood Country Home. But the Classic version seems more ‘adult’. It’s got ‘timber’ style trim.

But the Classic Red Roof Country Home is released only in Japan and the UK so far, to coincide with the 35th Anniversary of SF. It was initially released in the 2019 SF Exhibition in Japan, and appears to be designed for the JP SF 2019 Exhibition Chocolate Rabbit Family set which is my favourite among the 35th Anniversary Chocolate Rabbit Family sets. I also have the JP Classic Brown Furniture sets, which are also part of the 2019 exhibition. They are all designed for each other.

So even if I am not a fan of the regular Red Roof Country Home and do not find it interesting, the Classic version definitely is a must have for a SF building collector like me. Plus my fave 35th Anniversary Chocolate Rabbit family needs their matching home. hehe.

I bought the building last Black Friday from the official UK SF online shop when they had a promo. It was already on sale, plus the promo where you get 20% off for purchase of GBP 100 or more and that made it easier to get. haha! So aside from and one of the baby blind bags of the babies in halloween costumes, I purchased it with other sets I can’t get elsewhere in North America: the Mole Family, and the Classic Telephone Box set (my 2nd),

Flair Field View Windmill Set

Posting a separate blog post about this building set. =)

JP Baby Square Big Treehouse Set

seller’s pic
product shot on the box, image from the web

I believe this might be from the 90s. Several sets were designed for the “Baby Square” or “Baby Park” theme, and this is one of them. I like this way more than the Misty Forest sets which I don’t really care much for except for at least 2 sets from that series. I love the Baby Square/Park series and already have some of the other sets in the series.

This is the JP version of the baby park treehouse. It has a neutral colour theme vs the UK version. Yes there’s a UK SF Tomy version that has a dark brown trunk and is more colourful.

JP version, seller’s pic
image from the web of the UK version. It’s not bad. But the colours kinda make it look more dated than the JP version.

So the set is currently on its way to me. Hope it doesn’t get lost in the mail as it was shipped during Christmas shopping season and I opted for national carrier shipping (Japan Post and my country’s post) vs the pricier couriers like DHL or FedEx. With the holidays ongoing now, plus labour/supply chain system shortages, I expect some delay which is fine. Just keeping my fingers crossed that it reaches its destination, my doorstep by end of January. Lol. Good luck to me! 😀

Comparison – SF Sweet Raspberry Home vs SF Summer House

For anyone who’s curious, below are some dimension comparison details between the SF Sweet Raspberry Home (from 2020) vs the SF Flair Summer House (from 2010) buildings. Specific measurements for each building can be found in their Amazon UK listings. The accoutrements that came with both buildings are not shown in this post.

The Summer House is a blue version of the SF JP Terrace Home HA-38 / SF UK Willow Hall Conservatory.

Here they are side by side, front view. Raspberry Home on the left, Summer House on the right.:


With the Summer House porch next to the Sweet Raspberry’s Home, one can see from an angle on the top view that the roof/front facade of the Summer House seems to be set a bit behind the outermost part of the Sweet Raspberry Home.

Below, the Summer House’s extension floor is placed on top of the Summer House. It looks as if I didn’t align both buildings from the front but they were. The image below is an effect of the camera angle/lens, photography stuff I am not in a position to explain. Lol.

When the Summer House’s extension floor is laid out too, then it seems to have more room from front to back.

Below the Summer House is stacked on top of the Sweet Raspberry Home, flushed to the right. As evident in the image, the Summer House is shorter in width.

It can also be stacked right in the middle as the roof of the Sweet Raspberry Home has the sides to support it.

stacked in the middle of the bottom building

Top view of the left and the right sides of the Sweet Raspberry Home roof supporting the Summer House stacked on top in the middle of it.

Below is when the Summer House is placed flushed to the left of the Sweet Raspberry Home. It also didn’t fall backwards:

Side view, flushed to the right:

When the top building is stacked flush to the left or the left or right side of the Sweet Raspberry Home, there’s like a corner barrier that keeps the top building in place:

Sorry I couldn’t do a video as I don’t like any of the mess surrounding this setup to be inadvertently included in the video. haha! 😀 And I’ve no time to edit.

Hope this post was helpful.

New Purchase – SF CC 35th Anniversary Deluxe Celebration Home Premium Set, Limited Edition

father sheep figure in pic to show scale

This arrived yesterday. The original is a red roof version. I’m glad they came out with this version as I prefer this colour theme and it’s a 35th Anniversary set so that’s also siginificant for a SF hobbyist. Its colour theme also matches the 35th Anniversary Chocolate Rabbit family set’s colours, even the latter’s UK version.

This version is an Amazon exclusive. I didn’t buy it when it first came out as I am not into the building structures themselves but wanted the contents. So I wasn’t exactly willing to pay full price for it and waited for it to get a significant price drop. And one year after it was released, like this month, they dropped the price. Perfect! I am guessing Amazon wanted to clear some more space in their warehouse shelves to make room for any new CC releases in time for the holidays.

Three days after the price drop, it sold out. Glad I ticked that off my SF shopping list. hehe!